Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

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How Psychotherapy in Los Angeles Can Help You Heal Narcissistic Abuse

When's the last time you felt safe and open with another person - free to express your feelings and ideas without fear of being judged, invalidated, or lectured? A person who will listen deeply and respond to you in a way where you feel heard and understood is crucial for your well-being.

When you are in a relationship with a narcissist or come from a family with narcissistic parents, you may have never had the experience of being with somebody who can empathize.

When you don't have the inner experience of being emotionally safe, your nervous system wires itself to be on guard.

Meet your always-on-duty fierce inner-protector that resides outside of your conscious awareness. He takes his job seriously because at one time you needed him to survive. So even if you are in the presence of a safe person, your automatic response is one of defensiveness and distance. It's valuable to know this aspect of yourself and how it might be keeping you stuck in an unhealthy pattern of toxic relationships.

The ultimate goal of a relationship with a therapist, counselor, or coach is to create an environment/container for your nervous system to have the experience of what it's like to be yourself. With the integrated experience of a safe relationship, you are much more able to know your boundaries. After some time, you acquire the strength to protect yourself from harmful relationships. Your inner-protector that doesn’t know when to take a break gains a wise discernment of when he needs to work. You gain the courage to express your true self. You begin to make decisions based on what is good for you instead of grasping outside yourself to fulfill your need for validation and worthiness. You begin to love and accept yourself. Your nervous system relaxes. You feel more spacious and at ease, as you move through your life.

It is possible to heal from narcissist abuse.

I am here to help you get any questions you might be having about therapy in Los Angeles.

Free Consultation for help finding a therapist in Los Angeles

I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Los Angeles. If you want more help finding what would be best, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation. I'd be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help recovering from narcissistic abuse, you can read more about how I can help here.