Cynthia Eddings LMFT
Therapist in
California, Arizona
and New Mexico
When you have parents that care for themselves more than they care for are a victim of narcissistic abuse.
As a child your needs weren’t responded to — naturally, you learned how to survive independently.
As an adult, you find yourself in relationships with a partner that is also unable to understand you. Your current or past relationship is mimicking your childhood.
Life’s disappointments become overwhelming — you mask the pain with alcohol, drugs, sex, over-spending, over-working, over-pleasing, and over-doing, but eventually, these ways of getting through bad days stop working.
You know you need help because your anxiety and depression are impossible to ignore — but you are afraid to reach out because deep inside you don’t trust that anyone will listen and understand.
Through my years of practicing, I have discovered the unique gift of experiencing within myself what the client is feeling.
The word for this in psychology is empathy. Empathy is what was missing when I was growing up— and as an adult — my healing showed up in the form of being seen and understood by therapeutic helpers. My heart’s delight is in doing this for others.
If you are in or have been in a narcissistic relationship…
…most likely you’ve tried a million different strategies to avoid angry confrontations with your partner and you are exhausted, depressed, and withdrawn....
You don't know who you are anymore.
Your friends have backed-off because they are tired of hearing different versions of the same story of how much pain you are in.
You just want a sense of contentment in your own skin.
Finally with the help of someone who understands... you can wake up to who you really are.
If you've read this far, something makes you think that you might want to talk to me about how you can start to reclaim yourself…
Click Here for your free 15-minute phone consultation for therapy in Califonia, Arizona New Mexico.
It’s not your fault.
You can reclaim yourself.

I'd love to help you, whether working with you in ongoing therapy sessions or pointing you in a direction where you can start seeing the light.