Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

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7 ways you can tell if you are in a Relationship with Narcissist?

It’s likely you’re in a relationship with a narcissist when deep in your gut there is a knowing that this relationship is not right. It’s confusing because you have been blinded to the red-flags that would be clear to someone whose mind hadn’t been manipulated. You always have a sick feeling that you are responsible for the mess you are in, and you can’t see a way out.

  1. You don’t know who you are anymore. It’s as if you are looking back on a former life.

  2. You feel nervous around the narcissist. Your body tenses up when the narcissist is coming your way because you anticipate the abuse that is sure to come.

  3. You think you are overreacting and that you are oversensitive. You believe if you change how you respond to your partner by ‘fixing’ yourself in therapy, your partner won’t get angry with you.

  4. You avoid confrontation and maintain peace by agreeing to things even though they are unreasonably demanding.

  5. You have low self-esteem and accept abusive treatment from your partner and believe that you deserve what is happening to you and think that you are inherently damaged and unloveable. Therefore, through abusive manipulation, the narcissist will never have to take responsibility for their actions because you will always take the blame. When there is a problem, you apologize automatically.

  6. You always feel you have done something wrong. Narcissists have a way to make you believe that and to convince you that you are crazy.

  7. You may find it has become difficult to make decisions. Therefore you turn to your narcissistic partner for help. Somehow they have placed themselves in the position of being the solution to your problem. How can you ever leave them if you need their help to make fundamental decisions?

I hope this helps you make sense of why you might be seeking a therapist to help you sort through your thoughts and feelings. If you still have questions or are feeling stuck, click HERE for a free 15-minute consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with anxiety, you can read more about how I can help here.